Saturday, December 10, 2016

 Wow, week #14 was busy, busy, busy! The 4s classes practiced cutting Christmas trees apart and then gluing them back together in numerical order.

 We also practiced out scissor skills by cutting straws.
 All three classes played in the rice table for the first time this year and all of the students loved it.
 With our letter being Mm this week, we read "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" in the 4s classes and then each child created a muffin cup monster and they were adorable!
 Our 3s class, was introduced to Quiet Boxes this week.  After snack time, each child has a Quiet Box that they play in until story time. Each Quiet Box is different and they are switched once a week.
 On Wednesday and Thursday, we had this green duct tape Christmas tree on our classroom floor.  The children enjoyed driving cars and trains on it and also walking and jumping on it.  We took turns placing the star on the top by only walking on the tree lines.
 The 3s class also decorated Christmas trees using Bingo Stampers. The morning 4s class used M&M candies to cover a M and then after removing the candies, covered them with Bingo stampers but we ran out of candy so the afternoon class only covered their Ms with the Bingo stampers. Regardless, we had fun and both classes did a nice job.

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