Saturday, December 17, 2016

 Although we started week #15 with a snow day, we were still able to fit almost everything in.  We were excitedly getting ready for Christmas.  The 3s class finger painted snowmen on Tuesday.
 Thanks to a couple of willing volunteers, we were able to have our Snowman Factory this week.  I laid out a tray with white play dough, buttons, string, and sticks and the children had a blast creating snowmen and other creations as well.
 The 4s classes painted wreaths on Wednesday using green paint and brillo sponges.  On Friday they used red paint and fingers to add berries.  They turned out so well.
 The 3s class had some free writing time in their journals and also enjoyed the snowman factory.

 I would have to say the highlight of our week in the 4s classes was baking and decorating cookies.  Our letter this week was Cc and what better way to celebrate the letter Cc then by baking cookies? Everyone had at least one turn stirring the batter and while they were in the oven we read "The Gingerbread Man." 
 After they cooled off, we decorated the cookies and finally we got to eat and enjoy them.  There were even extras that I took to the Jr./Sr. High teachers wishing them a Happy Friday from our Preschool classes. I think we are all ready to celebrate with parties on Monday and Tuesday and then enjoy a couple of weeks off with family!

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