Saturday, October 29, 2016

 During week #8 we worked with the letter Ff and we talked about the fall season.  On Monday the 4s classes used q-tips to paint fall trees.  Then on Wednesday, we brought in lots of leaves and we investigated them.  We looked at the different colors, sizes, shapes, and textures. 

 Lastly, we drew pictures in our journals of the leaves that we liked the most.
 One of the high school teachers brought in two more big boxes and all of these awesome Styrofoam pieces and wow, we had fun building!  I laid out the pieces and gave some basic instructions on how to handle the Styrofoam and then I sat back and watched them use their engineering skills. They were building sky scrapers, houses, bridges, teeter-totters and more.
 In the afternoon 4s class, we laid the box out flat and colored roads and a city on it and then the students were driving cars on it. 
Don't be mistaken, our 3s class had fun and learned this week also, but since we only had one day of class, I missed an opportunity to get any pictures.

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