Sunday, October 23, 2016

 Week #7 was all about the letter Ff, the number four, frogs and fire safety.  We spent the first part of the week discussing frogs.  The 3s class mixed blue paint into yellow paint and then painted our frogs.  They were excited to see the blue and yellow make green. 
 The 4s class focused on the life cycle of frogs and we made a sequence chart showing the life cycle, starting with eggs and finishing with a frog.  They practiced cutting and gluing to make the sequence charts.  We also practiced some fine motor skills by using our bingo markers to stamp inside some circles. The end of the week was spent talking about fire safety. We talked about getting out if a building is on fire and also about having a meeting place outside where you gather after everyone gets out.  We talked about and practiced "Stop, Drop, and Roll." During free play, I heard several students practice calling 9-1-1 in our kitchen center.

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