Friday, May 19, 2017

 It's hard to believe that we just finished week #35.  The 4s classes learned about shadows in science on Monday and we matched some pictures to their shadows. We also played shadow tag outside. (See the last picture on this post.)
 The 3s practiced our colors and shapes by playing Bingo on Tuesday.
 We enjoyed the beautiful weather this week by blowing bubbles outside on Wednesday.

 On Wednesday we also talked about heavy vs. light and we had fun experimenting with objects to see which was heavier. On Thursday, the 3s class drew crayon pictures on the easels.

 Friday was Community Day.  We had a presentation on recycling at City Park where we also played at the playground and served by setting up lunch for the entire school.  It was a little chilly but the kids had a great time.  THANK YOU to all of the parents who stayed to help as well!!

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