For week #10 we worked with the letter Bb. Bb is for bears and buttons. We read "Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons" and then the 4s classes glued buttons onto their cat and wrote how many buttons they had.
The 3s class each got a cup full of colored blocks and they had to match each block in their cup to the colored rectangles around the room. You can see the yellow rectangle in this picture. This got them up and moving while also working on color matching.
Both 4s classes learned a new game in the big room this week. It's called the hibernation game. A couple of students were "hibernating bears" and the rest of the class had to tiptoe past the bears without waking them up. When I yelled "springtime," the bears woke up and tried to catch the students.
The 4s classes also worked on cutting and gluing skills by trying to place the numbers 1-5 in order.
We started letter centers this week in the 4s classes. There were several hands-on activities to practice our letter of the week. We traced letter cards, we wrote the letter, we wrote the letter in sand, and we created the letter using these new magnetic pieces.
The students were invited to bring a bear to school and then the 3s class colored bears while their stuffed bear friends watched on. We had a busy week with bears!
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