Sunday, April 9, 2017

 The 3s class had some free write time during week #29.  We had the special opportunity to use markers this time.
 Usually we color with crayons like on this math worksheet where we colored 15 balls of yarn for the kitten. We were trying really hard to match the colors AND stay inside the lines.  They did an amazing job!
 We also played in the rice table again this week.  We were practicing our scooping and pouring.
 The 4s classes opened some eggs to reveal a letter inside.  The children had to name the letter inside their egg and also match their letter with the matching upper/lowercase letter that one of their classmates had. Both 4s classes had some free choice time this week where they could choose either the rice table, playing with toys, or painting on the easels.  Many chose the painting.

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