Saturday, February 4, 2017

 During week #21, the 4s classes worked with diamonds and the 3s class had finished all of the colors and started on shapes, the first one being circle. Our number was 11 for all classes and our letter was Dd. We had show and share on Friday and many of the students shared something that started with the letter Dd. We had dogs, dolls, dimes, a dump truck, and a dinosaur to name a few.

 The 3s class painted on the easels with pink, purple, and blue. We also got the big blocks down again. Those are always a hit.
 We continue to work on social skills like being kind, helpful, truthful and sharing. It's exciting to see new friendships being made.
 In the big room, we worked on stepping onto and off of the stool and also jumping onto and off of the stool.  The children really are growing and having fun while they do it.

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